Add Your Blog

If you are interested in listing your blog on LDS Addiction Recovery Blogs please use the form below to submit your blog for consideration.  Please be sure that your blog meets the following criteria.
  1. Your blog must be a personal blog focused on your personal journey of recovery from addiction (whether it be your own or a loved one). We cannot stress this enough. If your blog is written in the 'you' voice, then it is very likely not a personal journey, but rather a compilation of experiences reiterated to 'help' or 'fix' others. We do not accept blogs that are written for the purpose of telling others how to work their recovery by offering unsolicited advice. We do, however, accept blogs of those who are helping themselves first, and then through the power of writing, are inadvertently helping others.  
  2. Your blog needs to be at least one month old and have at least six previous posts, providing adequate content that we can review to make sure it fits with our mission.
  3. Your blog needs to be primarily focused on recovery, rather than the addiction. Recovery can be a roller coaster and we understand that bad days will and do come, but no one can come clean whilst sitting in a mud-hole.
  4. As we are a community predominantly made up of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, blogs and all content therein must be supportive and conducive to teachings and principles of the LDS faith.  
  5. **NEW** This is a free community. We do not condone anyone profiting from traffic gained by being listed on LDSARB. Therefore, any blogs that have 'advertisements' enabled on their blog will be removed.
Thanks for your interest in our community!

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